Troubleshooting Docker containers with nsenter

Sometimes Docker containers don’t contain the tools you need to troubleshoot an issue, or you can’t install additional tools. This post describes how to use nsenter to bring your system into a container to more easily poke around.

Connecting to the Signalr F1TV data endpoint

F1Tv has a nifty app that shows all kinds of live data and telemetry during a session. This data is streamed to the app using a SignalR endpoint. SignalR is a .Net real-time RPC protocol. This post describes how to connect to the endpoint and get it to stream telemetry to you.

Minimal cloudformation stack

If you’ve ever tried to deploy a cloudformation stack, you probably know that if you have an error on a first deployment, the stack will enter a ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state, this prevents you from then updating a stack with the same name until you’ve deleted it.

A crude intro to KiCad

Recently I’ve been experimenting with Attiny microcontrollers for a project that might get its own post at some point. For that project it’d probably be easiest to have a pcb to hold all components in place. A bit of googling lead me to KiCad. KiCad is “A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite” and seems to be a popular PCB design tool, and is seen as very powerful.