Hi, I’m Subhi Dweik, welcome to my blog.
I’m a Software/AWS Cloud Engineering contractor with Team Rockstars IT. You can also find me on Linkedin and Github. I’m interested in the IT field in general, and would call myself a generalist instead of a specialist. I enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems, but have a particular interest in how software can be run in resilient, scalable secure way. I enjoy reasoning about scalibility, immutability, and deployment strategies.
I’m AWS Solutions Architect Professional certified, and spend my time worrying about software deployment and security, as well as AWS Cloud management strategies.
The point of this blog is to give me a place to dump rants, thoughts, and in general, things that i find interesting. This’ll extend beyond just IT. The usual “Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.” disclaimer applies. I like building things for Dungeons and Dragons, 3d printing, and motorsports, so that might be on here as well.